VVV JoAnn Cragoe, April 2024

This Assistant League member joined us in 2022 yet her spirit, zeal, energy, commitment and whole hearted enthusiasm just kicked in immediately! This amazing volunteer loves technology and figuring out systems. She has taken on responsibilities that have required many hours of additional training. She has guided and advised the management team to improving systems that worked better for the Thrift Shop. With her keen eye she monitored her major weekly commitment and took it upon herself to continually add improvements – even when not asked.

Her friendliness, kindness and always cheerfulness has been felt by many, of us as we have had to contact her numerous times. Yet, she pursues her emails, texts and telephone calls with graceful ease.

She jumped wholeheartedly into the Shop Scheduler role, which initially was limited to the Retail shop shifts. As the Thrift Shop calendar became more complex with additional Retail and Online roles, she spent hours researching the online calendar software and then revamped the Thrift Shop calendar sheets to place the Retail and Online shifts in a consistent and logical order.

Congratulations to the April 2024 Very Valuable Volunteer JoAnn Cragoe!