VVV Terri McKeon Sept 2020

This Very Valuable Volunteer joined the Assistance League in 2004 and she has been impacting virtually every aspect of the AL since then! The positions she has held, and the committees she has served on, are extensive and impressive; 22 in number, and she often assumed leadership roles.    

However, the impetus for this VVV Award has been the behind the scenes work she does for our Chapter. She is amazing, knowledgeable, and a wonderful teacher.

She is ever ready to help each and every one of us with all things computer and technology related. She is the epitome of patient; she will repeat instructions and practice with you until you understand, no matter how dense one might be! She invites members to her home for training sessions (pre-Covid) or she travels to others’ homes or meets up at the Thrift Store. She even responds while on vacation, at the cabin, it doesn’t matter! She is ever ready for the oddball question!

She was also extremely helpful in assisting the Thrift Store Management Team to design, and master the platforms required to manage the shop, incorporating changes due to Covid, allowing the store to reopen. 

Simultaneously she had a full slate of people she was helping with the new calendar; password zoom meetings and all kinds of other technology. She is very calm and patient, even while in such demand!

This spring, this VVV played a huge role in helping to get our website up and she devoted hours upon hours to ensure our chapter resource documents were updated and uploaded. When the pandemic hit, she insured that Chapter meeting Zoom calls were managed effectively. Calmly she works with all those that needed help getting into these calls. When many of our members are overwhelmed with technology – she runs to it! Her talents and her kindness are so appreciated!!!  It would be fair to say that our Chapter Meetings that have been held on Zoom might not have occurred, or certainly would not have been as polished, or as readily accessed by as many, if not for this VVV!

Please join me in congratulating this month’s Very Valuable Volunteer Terri McKeon!