VVV Pam Barer April, 2023

A long-time member, this VVV’s love of Assistance League runs deep. After volunteering for many leadership positions in the past, she is still as active as ever!

She is dependable — She has served in many positions over the years including president and has demonstrated a real commitment to reading with Literacy Plus children and helping fit children in the Clothes for Kids program. She is often working behind the scenes doing detailed work that is so important, but often overlooked. If you find yourself on a committee with her, you know that things will get done.

She is determined to make things better — She has served on the LINKS committee for many years helping to grant hundreds of teachers educational funds to increase student achievement. How many of you are excited to create detailed spreadsheets and monitor them for a school year? In our Clothes For Kids, she single handedly organized the ordering, communication and payments for our $16,000 budgeted CFK Plus program. This program provides supplemental clothing items like; tennis shoes, boots, winter coats, sweat pants, etc, to fill in the extra needs of our schools.

And, she is delightful – Many of you will remember when this member used the Jeopardy game to engage our membership in educational moments. Who knew learning about Conflict of Interest could be fun? There was always laughter, and even more smiles because the prizes were often overgrown zucchini from her garden! Remember the January chili contests? Yep, this member had that fun idea. What about the membership passport? Yep, this member had a strong role in developing this.

She truly is deserving of the Very Valuable Volunteer award.

Congratulations to our April Very Valuable Volunteer, Pam Barer!