Ada Laughlin Edwards Award Goes to Susan Casey!
This award is named for the founder of the Assistance League, who was less visible and filled the role of hardworking “behind…
Shining Star 2020-2021 Carolyn Azine!
The challenge today is to tell you all about our newest Shining Star, while…
View a Beautiful Appreciation Video from Mary Dries!
Click on the link below to see the video by Mary Dries from our May Chapter Meeting : https://assistanceleaguemsp-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/aloffice_assistanceleaguemsp_org/EWGBrNxmhs5AhCDBjI8plbkB8EoK_bPUZbvPKKh20ybF6g?e=Zd8OCZ
Enjoy the May Chapter Meeting!
Please click on the link below to watch our delightful May chapter meeting with President Mary Dries handing over the reins to…
VVV Susie Mayerle, Debbie Eng, and Judy Speigel April 2021
This month’s Very Valuable Volunteers joined the Assistance League more than five years ago and have found a focus in one of our…
See April’s Chapter Meeting Video!
If you missed the Zoom Chapter Meeting today, please click on the link below: https://assistanceleaguemsp-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/aloffice_assistanceleaguemsp_org/EY2oGBCjnNRMj-tNi488A7ABDqPWMY3q__-BI9eFDtcAyw?e=jntEyr
Food for Kids Pandemic Challenge
As the pandemic hit, people stayed at home and increased their food purchases from grocery stores. Increased demand resulted in shortages of…
Fiscal 2021-2022 Budget Presented
At the March chapter meeting, Carolyn Azine presented the proposed budget for the next fiscal year. The proposed budget will be voted upon…
VVV Jan Bates and Dana Badgerow March 2021
It could be argued that this month’s Very Valuable Volunteers have been impacted by covid and its various tentacles more…
Watch the March Chapter Meeting featuring Christina Haddad Gonzalez!
If you weren’t able to attend the Zoom meeting on March 16th, you won’t want to miss hearing Christina Haddad Gonzalez, our…