Fiscal 2021-2022 Budget Presented
At the March chapter meeting, Carolyn Azine presented the proposed budget for the next fiscal year. The proposed budget will be voted upon…
VVV Jan Bates and Dana Badgerow March 2021
It could be argued that this month’s Very Valuable Volunteers have been impacted by covid and its various tentacles more…
Watch the March Chapter Meeting featuring Christina Haddad Gonzalez!
If you weren’t able to attend the Zoom meeting on March 16th, you won’t want to miss hearing Christina Haddad Gonzalez, our…
Assistance League is excited to announce the addition of a new Advisory Council member!
This month our chapter is thrilled to announce that Roma Anderson Milton has joined our Advisory Council. Roma joins our impressive group of…
Chapter Meeting on Zoom February 2021
If you missed our chapter meeting yesterday, February 16, you can watch it by clicking on the link. There are a lot…
VVV Linda Damman February 2021
This Very Valuable Volunteer joined us in 2019 with an engaging smile and a readily apparent desire to dig in and help…
Watch our January Monthly Meeting!
Please click on the link below to find out what’s been happening in our chapter this month: https://assistanceleaguemsp-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/websiteadmin_assistanceleaguemsp_org/ERG8pZXNliFOsbWsDscUgWUBAY3vpXITfG1kQceXSJ_irA?e=PdhDG9
VVV Lisa Lauson January 2021
This Very Valuable Volunteer joined the Assistance League in 2018, much to the benefit of our Chapter. She has served on ASK and Lit…
Sweet Recipes to Tempt You!
Thanks to Nancy Kloehn and Lois Flannery for submitting their sweet recipes for you to try! Which ones will tempt you? Apple Pie…
Winter Recipes to Enjoy!
Thanks to all who provided photos of their favorite winter recipes and festive holiday décor. Below are recipes for Skillet Turkey Chili, Creamy…