Watch December’s Monthly Meeting!
Hear about the exciting things happening in our chapter: https://assistanceleaguemsp-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/aloffice_assistanceleaguemsp_org/EX6lgL6HBVxBnSVtPW2Ekf0BJV62rVrf_2Gyyt2irUPCdg?e=MeRtfs
Anne Banning Leadership Award 2020 to Mary Dries
In my role as Immediate Past President, I recently received several nominations for one of our chapter members to be considered for the…
VVV Deb Sholl Dec 2020
This Very Valuable Volunteer joined Assistance League in 2000 and although it might very well be a shorter list if I were tell you…
Clothes for Kids at Richfield Target
“Families were so excited to participate, that we had families come in early to shop, and were ready to check out before we…
Nominating Committee Recommendations
How to Make Recommendations for Nominating Committee Filling Leadership roles in our chapter is critical to the success of our organization. It is important…
Thrift Shop Closure Beginning November 25
After thoughtful consideration of the recent resurgence of Covid-19 in Minnesota, the Board voted to close the Thrift Shop after 1:00 pm Wednesday,…
Watch our November Member Meeting!
If you missed November’s member meeting, please click on the link below. You won’t want to miss some exciting news presented by…
VVV Emily Haliziw Nov 2020
This VVV joined Assistance League in 2010 and she has focused the vast majority of her time and talents at the Thrift…
VVV Patty Daly and Judy Nagel Nov 2020
This month’s Very Valuable Volunteer is actually a dynamic duo; one of whom joined the Assistance League recently, and the other has…
VVV Marion Mahoney Oct 2020
This Very Valuable Volunteer joined the Assistance League in 2010. Since joining, she has served on myriad of committees including Hospitality, Education, Finance, Links to Learning…