Member Survey Fall 2021 now available to read online
Please click on the link below to read the results of the Member Survey Fall 2021: https://assistanceleaguemsp-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/aloffice_assistanceleaguemsp_org/EQ8P6hA1CV5Dv1SEtUtRoeQB-5gr7yKWgeGUEJvkiFmbDg?e=dSDNZf
January 10-16 on-air schedule for TV spot
Our 90-second spot is still running on TPT’s channels through the month of January. This informative spot has been running since…
VVV Ann Derby December 2021
This member has been a VERY ACTIVE member since she joined Assistance League in 2013! She was Membership Chair and created…
November monthly meeting video
Click on the link below to watch our November chapter meeting: https://assistanceleaguemsp-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/aloffice_assistanceleaguemsp_org/Ef_xeHTFhldCj-XlPW4JtewBcX8UMBKtGc_Gl20rRyMJSg?e=nL7Sr9
VVV Lisa Harmening November 2021
This valued member joined Assistance League in 2015 and immediately became active. She volunteered at the Thrift Shop and became a Day…
New chapter video to view and share
In addition to the Twin Cities Public Television (TPT) spot, we have created a new 5-minute video which highlights our chapter,…
On-Air Schedule for TPT Spot Nov 1-7
Beginning November 1st, the video we created in partnership with Twin Cities Public Television will begin to air on TPT’s channels. This…
VVV Jean Ronning October 2021
Now the exciting announcement of the month. Our October VVV! Most of us still have friends from High School. They are probably members…
VVV Barb Croxen September 2021
This member joined us in 2017. She’s high energy, hardworking, kind thoughtful, and a great team player. She fell in love with…
View September’s Zoom Meeting
If you missed our September monthly meeting at St. Patrick’s, you can view it here: https://assistanceleaguemsp-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/aloffice_assistanceleaguemsp_org/EeMt8yiGAZxJkPIsbf6vrPABpTCnVv9q7ZmgueoxKMATpw?e=tsZKRj