Donor Privacy Policy

Revised May 4, 2017

This document sets forth the policy that Assistance League of Minneapolis/St. Paul shall follow with respect to the contributions and privacy rights of donors as well as the responsibilities of the organization.


Donor information is collected from contribution forms accompanying donations, from information contained on donor checks and from online information provided by donors through electronic transactions.

Information collected is the donor’s contact information and the donation amount. The donor’s name and donation amount category (a dollar range) may be printed in the organization’s Annual Report and other brochures. Dollar amounts of specific donations are not published. Contact information may be used in the annual mail solicitation campaign and other donor development activities.

Unless otherwise provided below, this DONOR PRIVACY POLICY shall be provided to any donor upon request, and is available on the chapter website:
Assistance League of Minneapolis/St. Paul shall not copy, reproduce, publish, sell or post a donor’s personal contact information or specific amount of any donation to any individual or business without the written consent of the donor. An exception shall be made where required by law and may be made without prior knowledge or consent of the donor.

Publications, promotional items and publicity of the chapter, referred to in this document, shall include but not be limited to the following: Brochure and Annual Report.

  1.  An acknowledgement letter to the donor shall be sent from Assistance League of Minneapolis/St. Paul acknowledging any contribution and amount of the donation to the chapter. This policy does not include acknowledgement for items donated to our Thrift Stop for future sale. The chapter will make every effort to acknowledge gifts-in-kind in writing.
  2. The name and amount category (a dollar range) of donations to Assistance League of Minneapolis may be listed in documents viewed by members and nonmembers in such publications as are listed under the General Statements section above. A donor to Assistance League of Minneapolis/St. Paul shall have the right to refuse the publishing of the donor’s name or amount category. This shall be accomplished in the following way:
    1. Assistance League of Minneapolis/St. Paul may publish the names and amount category (a
      dollar range) of the donors in it’s publication of the annual report. If the donor does not wish to have their name and/or amount category published, donor shall check the appropriate box on a form to be provided by and returned to Assistance League of Minneapolis/St. Paul. This form is also available on the chapter’s website. If no form is sent with a donation, the donor has the right to clearly indicate their desire to remain anonymous on their check or with other documentation that accompanies the donation.
    2. There shall be a place for the donor’s signature and date of signing on the Assistance League of Minneapolis/St.Paul donation form.
    3. Assistance League of Minneapolis/St. Paul is not required to send out an individual copy of the DONOR PRIVACY POLICY. However, when a donation is received, the acknowledgement letter invites the donor to view the DONOR PRIVACY POLICY on the chapter website. A complete copy of this policy shall be sent to the donor upon request.
  3. All donations shall be treated individually so that multiple donations from a single donor shall receive the same considerations as if each were the first donation received.
  4. The authorization to release or refuse the listing of the name of the donor to Assistance League of Minneapolis/St. Paul shall be in place at the time the donation is received and shall remain in effect for any publications that list donors to Assistance League of Minneapolis/St. Paul until changed by the donor .
  5. Assistance League Minneapolis/St. Paul’s Board, Assistants to the VP Resource Development and Assistant Treasurer who require access to the information may view the names of donors and amounts of donations. In addition, donations of $500 or more by a nonmember will be shared with the referring chapter member for personal acknowledgement at the time the donation is received, unless the donation was marked to be anonymous or amount to not be disclosed.
  6. The VPRD can share specific donation information with members of the chapter Gift Development and Review Committee as needed for specific gift development efforts.


A donor’s photograph will not be used at any time or in any publications without the donor’s consent. However, any adult who agrees to appear in a photograph grants implied consent to publication. This implied consent shall apply to the name and likeness of the donor being published in the documents described in the General Statements section above as well as a description of the type of contribution given to the chapter. It is not necessary to obtain written or oral consent from individuals photographed in large crowds and/or groups if the photograph is taken at any event sponsored by the chapter.

In the case of a minor, written permission will be obtained from the parent, guardian or custodian.

Assistance League of Minneapolis/St.Paul
6416 Penn Ave S.
Richfield, MN 55423-1141
