Operation School Bell (OSB) is one of ALNM’s largest philanthropic programs.
It provides brand new school uniforms (including polo shirts, hoodies, shorts, skorts, pants,
joggers, underwear, socks and water bottles) to any PreK-6 th grade student in need within the
Newport Mesa Unified School District.
An offshoot of this program, AL’s Closet, provides gently used clothing to at-risk students in
elementary, middle, and high schools where uniforms are not required.
Our Book Brigade keeps ALNM’s library stocked with gently books students can select during
our five distribution days that occurred between August 13 and August 27, 2022.
We served approximately 1200 students during the month of August, and we anticipate serving
more as we collaborate with NMUSD’s school community facilitators (SCFS) to reach students
who were unable to attend our distribution days.
Operation School Bell also delivered 240 brand new pencil boxes filled with new school supplies
(pencils, colored pencils, sharpeners, crayons, scissors, and glue sticks) to Pomona, Rea, and
Wilson Elementary Schools for their students in need.