On October 30th, Assistance League of Newport-Mesa members partnered with case managers from the City of Costa Mesa Outreach Team to provide an afternoon of Halloween Trunk-or-Treating fun for housing insecure families living temporarily in a local motel. The families have school age children enrolled in Newport-Mesa Unified School district schools. The event was organized by Assistance League member, Erin Kim, who coordinated the volunteers for the event. The Trunk-or-Treat team decorated their “Trunks” and handed out not only candy, treats, pizza and drinks but also blankets, hygiene kits, sweatshirts and stuffed animals (gathered with the help of Thrift volunteers Vivian Bruno and Carol Curtis). Volunteers also provided games, crafts and brought a few Kids on the Block puppets to partake in the festivities. And, the Book Brigade, led by Assisteen Sunny Koop, gathered individualized, age-appropriate book bundles to hand out to each child. This was a true team effort. The Trunk or Treat Team included Sarah and Assisteen Ashley Burns, Deidre Campbell, Linda Colleran, Erin and Assisteen Sophia Kim, Marie Pierotti, Michelle and Assisteen Jaydin Rosenthal and Nancy Yeager.
Assistance League of Newport Mesa Trunk or Treat