Membership Requirements
25 Service Hours completed August – May
- > 50 hours opportunities provided throughout the year
- Monthly meetings count toward hours requirements
- Fundraiser Participation counts toward hours requirements
- Opportunities available to donate to food drives,etc as part of hours(some hours “buy outs” available)
- Outside Assisteens volunteer hours *may* count toward requirements (at discretion of Governing Body)
Fundraiser Participation
- Fundraisers provide backpacks for Operation School Bell
- 2 Fundraisers are held each year: one in fall and one in spring (typically early December and February)
- Assisteens members are responsible for selling $100 in fundraiser tickets/year
- $40/year, paid in September
- Tshirt and national dues are included
- Scholarships available
Meeting Attendance
- Strongly encouraged
- General meetings are the 4th Sunday of each month at 3-4pm at the Assistance League Chapter House, 809 Wall Street, Norman, OK 73069 (followed by a service opportunity from 4-5pm)
With your membership, you should expect
- Leadership training
- Volunteer opportunities and networking within the community
- Fellowship
- Fun!