This month’s paper-shredding event was our most successful ever. Whether it was the trifecta of good causes that were served by this single event, the glorious sunny day, or a combination of those factors, we cannot know exactly. We were delighted by the steady stream of cars that greeted us, each filled with papers to shred, gently used sneakers for our GotSneakers campaign, and nonperishable food items for the Community of Faith’s food pantry. In about 3 hours, our members, aided by 7 community volunteers, helped more than 150 cars dispose of their important papers. We also collected 11 bags of sneakers, containing about 160 pairs of shoes for our GotSneakers campaign. And we delivered more than 2 trunks-full of food to the food bank.
This event exemplified the power of teamwork. We were gratified by the help from our own members and also by the essential help of the community volunteers who unloaded all those boxes of papers. Also, we appreciate the Franklin Farm community, our partners for these events, and all those who helped spread the word about this event. In addition, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to our member, Maureen Dawson, who again organized this event, and to EcoShred/Vecoplan for providing the technician and the truck that made it all possible. Lastly, we express our sincere appreciation for all those who made contributions to our chapter or donated food or sneakers. All these gestures are especially fitting because April is National Volunteer Month.