About 40 of our marvelous members gathered recently at Piero’s Corner in Herndon, for our annual end-of-year luncheon.  At these events, we reflect on our many successes and anticipate more good fortune in the coming fiscal year.  Included in this year’s reasons for celebration are:  our 20th anniversary as a chapter; our library of videos about our programs, thanks to videographer Bob Kovacs; and our many friends, sponsors, and supporters who have contributed to our successes.

The chair of the Nominating Committee for the new board thanked the 2023-24 board members for their service and presented each with a swag bag containing several kaleidoscopic fridge magnets and some delicious chocolates.  We also installed the board members for 2024-25.  Outgoing president, Gina Glenn, was recognized for serving three years in that role.  Knowing her special affection for Literacy and our Build-a-Child’s Library program, our members made a sizable donation to purchase new books for that program, to show their appreciation for all she’s done for the chapter.

We also honored five members for their significant contributions to our success this year.  Three members were recognized as Shining Stars for their sustained contributions to our chapter:  Nancy Treanor, Dru Kevit, and Kathy Jackson.  In addition, two newer members received the Supe Nova commendation for their willingness to begin helping with important programs soon after joining our chapter:  Claudia Bonnell and Mary Yee.

The luncheon’s good food, ambiance, and camaraderie were enhanced by the creativity of our talented member, Dorine DiConti.  She not only designed the table runners that featured our colors and logo, she also provided every attendee with an assortment of homemade cookies.  In addition, board members received a coffee mug with our logo.

Energized by the friendship, successes, and dedication of our members, our chapter looks forward to another record-setting year.