July finds some families enjoying vacation travel and time at the beach.  But it’s also a time when families start to think of the coming school year, just a few weeks away.  The start of a new school year is an exciting time, but also stressful for families with limited resources.  New clothes and school supplies are expensive and strain the budget of many low-income families.  You can help such families by making a contribution of school supplies from Assistance League’s July wish list.

Assistance League has been inviting the community to share in its ongoing anniversary celebration of 20 years of community service by making contributions from our series of monthly wish lists.  This month’s wish list includes a variety of school supplies such as notebooks, pens and pencils, crayons, rulers and glue sticks.  By making a contribution from the wish list you can give families of limited resources a helping hand in making sure their young students are well prepared for the coming school year.

Use this link:  https://tiny.alnv.org/SchoolSupplies to make your selection or scan the QR code on the flyer.  Please select Assistance League of Northern Virginia as the shipping address to ensure prompt delivery.  Assistance League is extremely grateful for the many wish list contributions already received and the community’s ongoing support in providing basic essentials to help young children from less affluent families.