Anne Banning Leadership Award Announced

Ginny Abell (pictured above, right) received a well-deserved honor on June 7 as she was presented with the Anne Banning Leadership Award at the Annual Meeting of Assistance League of Orange.  During the reveal of the new honoree, last year’s recipient Charlotte Vaughn (pictured above, left) summed up the reasons Abell was chosen, including, “her personal commitment to the mission and values of the Chapter, her spirited enthusiasm for its programs and activities, her significant contributions in the areas of membership, resource development and marketing, and the profound impact her efforts have had on our organization and the community we serve.” Her nominators identified Abell as, “a mighty multi-tasker, a team player and team builder, super creative, a leader with complete positivity, and one of the kindest people you will know.” A past president of the chapter, Abell has served on the board in numerous capacities, led the Assisteens Auxiliary, the Chapter House Restoration committee, and the Embrace Orange fundraising committee for many years, all while also artistically compiling the bi-monthly member newsletter enjoyed by so many.