Building Confidence
Kindness to Lessen Trauma
In collaboration with Waymakers, Assistance League of Orange’s program Kits of Kindness, provides needed supplies and materials to victim services teams to alleviate the trauma and devastating effects on the lives of those touched by crime.
We provide kits to ease anxiety.
Our stress relief kits offer various tools used by victims to help ease anxiety as they are processed through the legal system and engage in court proceedings.
Hope Provided to Assault Victims
Our ASK® (Assault Survivor Kit®) kits give dignity and hope through the gift of new clothing and messages of comfort to victims of physical abuse and sexual assault.
Assistance League of Orange refurbished the children’s waiting room at the Lamoreaux Justice Center in Orange, providing new toys, games, and furnishings to make the waiting room a more enjoyable experience for the youth that have been processed into the legal system at Lamoreaux Justice Center.