This month AL of San Jose enjoyed their annual 👶Baby Shower at the January Regular Meeting. 👏Thank you to our generous members who donated almost 1,000 onesies to use in our Caring Hands layettes. Christina Egan, Volunteer Services Manager, Santa Clara Valley Medical Center and Katherine Wang, Development Officer, Annual Giving, Valley Health Foundation thanked us for our layettes, explaining that although other organizations donated blankets and onesies, AL of San Jose is by far the largest donor. 🥰Everyone was moved by a presentation by Christina Hagen, graduate of Parisi House on the Hill, who told us how grateful she is for our support. She brought her beautiful👶baby to the meeting, a special bonus! Topped off with a delicious 🥗🥪😋🍈homemade buffet lunch and 🍰Baby Shower cakes, our Regular Monthly Meeting became a celebration.🎉
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