Congratulations to our First Trumpet Award Honoree
AL of San Jose presented its first Marketing Committee Trumpet Award at the August Regular Meeting. The award honors members who have brought extra support to the chapter by…
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Caring Hands’ Busy Summer
Caring Hands delivers! Santa Clara Valley Medical Center received 223 layettes (blanket, hat and onesie) in June, 255 in July and 195 in August. AL of San Jose Caring…
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OSB Delivers Undies to San Jose Schools
AL of San Jose volunteers in the Operation School Bell program bagged over 2,250 undies to distribute to 38 San Jose elementary schools. The undies are stored in the…
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1st Regular Meeting for 2022-2023
AL of San Jose held its first Regular Meeting for the 2022-2023 year. It was wonderful to reconnect with members we’ve missed over the summer, get updates on our…
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Story Hour at Parisi House on the Hill
At Story Hour, AL of San Jose members inspire and model reading to help mothers better interact with their infants at Parisi House on the Hill.
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100 More Hug-a-Bears!
Assistance League of San Jose’s Hug-a-Bear program donated 100 more bears to children and families in crisis to the American Red Cross Silicon Valley Chapter. Thank you to the American…
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Readers Are Leaders Are Ready for School!
The 14 members of AL of San Jose’s Readers Are Leaders book selection committee met in July to review books for the 2022-23 school year. About 60 books of…
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Working with CityTeam
AL of San Jose members participated in the CityTeam Pop-up Closet on July 28th. What a fun and rewarding experience! Clothing racks were set out, treasures were set on tables,…
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New T-Shirts for AL of San Jose
Al of San Jose volunteers purchased new T-shirts to proudly advertise the chapter when they are out and about in the community. We love Assistance League of San Jose!
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Congratulations, Readers Are Leaders
By providing books to teachers and students, Readers are Leaders cultivates the love of reading and learning. During our 2021-2022 year, AL of San Jose donated 636 teacher books,…
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