Baskets are ready for delivery!

Gift wrapped baskets filled with colorful hand knitted blankets, sweaters, hats and booties, adorable outfits, sleepers, and bath wraps, provide expectant mothers with new clothing items they will need for their newborn baby girl or boy. Books, teething toys, and a soft cuddly stuffed animal are also packed in the basket. New mothers at LiveMoves, First Step for Families programs and CORA are provided Baskets for their new babies. Many of the baby items are knitted by members of our Assistance League.
Started in 2008, what began as a community project has been adopted as an ongoing chapter supported program. Proceeds from our resale shop, TURNSTYLE, located at 60 North B Street, San Mateo is the major funding of this program. During the 2023-2024 year we delivered 18 baskets. These new mothers are very appreciative of the support, and very special newborn items that are so essential in the first few months of their babies’ lives.

Blankets, sweaters, booties, and hats are knitted by members!