Established in 1988, the program allows children in need from our community to receive a $100 shopping certificate for local Old Navy Store shopping days.

Frances J. Johnson Dental Center

Established in 1941, Assistance League Frances J. Johnson Dental Center, is open three days a week, staffed by an accredited dental team, and provides quality, low-cost dental and orthodontia care to children of preschool through high school age from low income families.
Operation Hug

Operation Hug was established in 1989. We provide soft cuddly teddy bears to hospital emergency rooms and other crisis centers in our area. The emergency room staff distributes the bears to comfort children in their care.
Forensic Nursing Scholarships

Scholarships are awarded to train staff in specialized examination procedures for traumatized women.
This program is funded and operated by Las Profesionales® Auxiliary.

This program for visually challenged adults was formed in 1935. Weavers became a philanthropic program of Assistance League in 1970. We serve 40 visually challenged adults each month at a luncheon provided by Assistance League. Transportation, entertainment, and celebrations are all a part of these social events.
Community Aid Program

This program was instituted in 1935. We interface with area agencies to provide emergency assistance to individuals and families, primarily in the form of clothing and layettes, food snacks and cleaning supplies. Our volunteers made blankets, booties and hats for 34 layettes. We also made lap quilts for our community shelter.
Assault Survivor Kits

This program distributes clothing and hygiene kits through hospital emergency rooms to victims of rape and assault.
This program started in 1996. It is funded and operated by our Assistance League Auxiliary, Las Profesionales®.