This program serves needy children by providing scholarships to winter science camps and summer sleep-away camps. Sleeping bags and other camping equipment are provided to these students.
Each year we sponsor 200-300 campers. Summer camp experiences are arranged through the Westchester YMCA. Attending science camps, fifth grade students enjoy the outdoors and learn about animals and plants of different ecosystems. For many children, these camps offer their first experience away from home.
Former Executive Director of the Westchester Family YMCA, John Loussararian wrote:
It was such a pleasure to have you join us for VIP Day as ambassadors from Assistance League of Santa Monica. We truly appreciate the support your club has given us all these years. Through this partnership, there is no doubt that we are facilitating lifelong experiences that these campers will treasure for the rest of their lives. Furthermore, through our intentional program design by the end of this week our children will overcome fears, become more self-confident, gain leadership skills and make new friendships which will be necessary tools to help them realize their full potential. I look forward to our continued partnership as we, together strengthen the communities we serve!