Offering Inspiration

Are you a current student in grades 4 – 11 seeking financial help for the summer camp of your dreams?

Application for 2025 Summer Scholarships available now. Deadline for camp scholarships is May 2, 2025!

The Process

Applications are available online.

  1. Submit the Google Form application online. You do not need a Google email address, any email address will work.
  2. The Google Form application is automatically sent and timestamped to the scholarship committee after you submit it.
  3. Pay attention to application deadlines as they will be strictly followed.
  4. Scholarships are sent directly to the student’s enrichment program. Students will be notified by phone or email upon receiving an award.
  5. Those not awarded scholarships will also be notified.
  6. It is the responsibility of the student to complete the necessary enrollment paperwork to his/her chosen program.

The Fine Print

  • All applications are evaluated on a competitive and impartial basis.
  • Available to students currently enrolled in grades 4 – 11.
  • Available to Seattle public or private school students, including home-schooled students with a Seattle Public School affiliation.
  • Seattle School District students given priority.
  • Previous scholarship recipients are eligible.
  • Maximum award is $500.
  • No transportation costs are provided.
  • In-state enrichment programs given priority. Out-of-state programs considered if funding allows.
  • All camp choices will be considered except those with a religious affiliation.
  • Relatives of Assistance League of Seattle members are not eligible.