Celebrating Over 50 Years of Service in Seattle

Assistance League of Seattle is an all-volunteer organization serving Seattle since 1962. Our philanthropic programs have developed over the years into a singular mission to remove the barriers to education for students of all ages.


7.8 Million

Returned to Local Community

27,810 Students

Provided with New School Clothes

748 Teens

Inspired at Summer Camp

217 Adults

Given Opportunity to Attend College

National Strength – Local Focus

Assistance League of Seattle began in 1962 as the 31st chapter of National Assistance League®. Founded in 1919 as Assistance League of Southern California and incorporated as National Assistance League in 1935, there are currently 120 chapters throughout the United States.

Each chapter develops philanthropic programs to meet the needs of their local community. So, while we benefit from the full strength of our national organization, our funds are raised and spent locally to meet the growing needs of our community here in the Pacific Northwest.


– SINCE 1962 –