Q13 Fox News follow-up story on Assistance League of Seattle Thrift Shop
On March 17, 2021 Q13 Fox News featured a follow-up story about Assistance League of Seattle’s Thrift Shop burglary.
Q13 Fox News covers Assistance League of Seattle Thrift Shop
On March 10, 2021 Q13 Fox News featured a story about Assistance League of Seattle’s Thrift Shop burglary and how neighbors can help!
Assistance League of Seattle Emergency Outreach featured in The Seattle Times!
On May 29, 2020, The Seattle Times featured a story about children and families receiving Family-to-Family Care Packages through the Assistance League of Seattle’s Emergency Outreach program. Read more about this inspiring story!

King 5 Covers Operation School Bell®
On October 13, 2018, King 5 News featured a story about children being helped through Assistance League of Seattle’s Operation School Bell Program.