OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe Togs For Tots program is designed to serve families in need with children who are preemie through pre-K.  Working through 35 social agencies, this program provides clothing for infants and toddlers.  Each child receives:

  • two complete outfits
  • a personal grooming kit
  • an age-appropriate book
  • a “Watch Me Grow” book
  • six pairs of socks
  • for ages three and above, underwear and a jacket
  • for infants, newborn through three months, a baby gown lovingly sewn by member volunteers

During the 2014-2015 year, outfits were provided for 6,629 preschoolers.  Our member volunteers contributed 4,326 hours to this program.

Contact Us

Togs For Tots
(210) 732-1200