Donor Privacy Policy
Assistance League of Sierra Foothills does not copy, reproduce, publish, post, distribute, share or sell the name, personal contact information or description of donations of donors to any outside individual or business. Exceptions share be those required by law, requested in grant applications or in connection with bank credit or debit card transactions that may be made without prior knowledge or consent of donor.
Assistance League of Sierra Foothills does acknowledge donors by name and/or description of donations, after the donors have given their written permission, in certain printed material such as chapter newsletters brochures, press releases, event invitations or programs, stationery, solicitation letters, the organization’s website or other means of expressing appreciation for the donor’s assistance. A donor wishing to view samples of these publications may do so by contacting the chapter at the address below.
Assistance League of Sierra Foothills will provide a means for both new and continuing donors to inform the organization if they do not want their names acknowledged on any of the printed materials mentioned above. If a donor chooses to opt out of any acknowledgement listing in printed material, the donor’s name and address will be made available only to those members of Assistance League of Sierra Foothills who are responsible for managing the business of the corporation.
A printed copy of Assistance League of Sierra Foothills Donor Privacy Policy will be made available upon request. All records of donations to Assistance League of Sierra Foothills shall be maintained by the corporation according to the applicable standards of record retention in effect at the time of the donation. All records will be maintained in a secure location of the chapter.
Assistance League of Sierra Foothills
Policy updated on July 24, 2012