Assistance League Sierra Foothills is proud to announce their scholarship winners for 2021
Article submitted to the Mountain Democrat by Sharleen Roth
After reading and evaluating more than 60 applications from very worthy students in El Dorado County, the Assistance League Sierra Foothills Scholarship Committee chose Logan Barth, Sara Ambrose and Brianna Reynolds to receive this year’s Community Service and Advantage Scholarships. Both Logan and Sara were able to attend the organization’s first in-person meeting in more than a year held on Wednesday, June 30, 2021, giving the members the opportunity to meet them and hear their inspiring
stories. Although Brianna was unable to attend the meeting, the members learned about her excellent achievements also.
Receiving Advantage Scholarships this year, given to students who have overcome challenges, are Sara Ambrose and Brianna Reynolds. Sara, a graduate of El Dorado High School, will major in biology at the University of California, Santa Cruz with the goal of having a career in the medical field. She was the year book editor, on the speech and debate team, played softball and maintained an excellent academic record. Sara is described by her teachers as being a “dream student”, saying she is reliable, resilient, inspiring, funny and kind. Her goal is to be an example to others that one’s circumstances do not have to limit one’s goals and achievements.
Brianna Reynolds, also an Advantage Scholarship recipient, is a graduate of Union Mine High School and is planning to attend Humboldt State College with the goal of having a career that would enable her to aid injured animals. She excelled academically, participated in sports, and volunteered in programs
for Hands4Hope, the Salvation Army and the Big Brothers Big Sisters. Her teachers spoke of her ability to “transform obstacles into opportunities”.
Logan Barth, a recent graduate of Oak Ridge High School, is this year’s recipient of the Community Service Scholarship. This scholarship was created to recognize graduating seniors who have performed exemplary community service. Logan served in the Juvenile Justice program, first in the Teen Court program. When that program proved to be less than effective he was invited to develop, and eventually, to lead Peer Council. This program mentored teen offenders and was able to achieve an impressive
success rate. He participated in Mito Kids, the Interact Club and the YMCA, all while maintaining an impressive academic record. He was praised by teachers for his professionalism, passion and empathy. They say “he works incredibly hard for all the right reasons”. He is headed for a career in the legal field and plans to attend the University of Southern California.
County Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Ed Manansala, also attended and spoke at the meeting. He congratulated the students on their impressive accomplishments, made even more challenging by the restrictions imposed by the COVID pandemic during their high school years. He also praised the members of Assistance League Sierra Foothills for their ability to pivot and be creative during the pandemic, enabling them to continue the many philanthropic programs they offer to the residents of El Dorado County.