Date: January 2024
Recipient: Jessica Disney
Demonstrated Values: Accountability, Leadership, Collaboration
Date: November 2023
Recipient: Debbie Palmer
Demonstrated Values: Accountability, Leadership, Compassion, Collaboration
As our Social Media Coordinator Jessica has taken Facebook, Instagram and Next Door posts to the next level. They are eye-catching, timely and relevant to our chapter activities & events. The community has responded with a boost in attendance & donations. We love working with her and are fortunate to have her as a member willing to share her talent.
Debbie is a fairly new member. Shortly after she joined she volunteered to ‘help’ with marketing admitting that she had no experience. Although she didn’t want to be ‘in charge’ her commitment, accountability, compassion and leadership resulted in one of the best marketing chairs we have had. She has proven that thinking ‘I have no experience, or, don’t want to be in charge’ is definitely rewarding.
Date: May 2023
Recipient: Terry Weing
Demonstrated Values: Commitment, Accountability, Compassion, Integrity, Collaboration
Terry did an outstanding job leading our committee by investigating, discussing and deliberating on all of the issues relating to the Giving Circle.
She did thorough interviewing and dove into all of the possible aspects of the program with dedication and determination to arriving at the right answer for our Chapter. She was thoughtful and interested in everyone’s input. Her leadership and commitment to this project is a testament to it’s success!
Date: March 2023
Recipient: Pat Wendt
Demonstrated Values: Commitment, Accountability, Compassion, Integrity, Collaboration
As our chapter parliamentarian, Pat has been given the task of leading the committee to revise our bylaws and standing rules. She has effectively collaborated with board members to obtain their input as to the changes that need to be made. She has worked quietly behind the scenes, diligently putting in countless hours on this huge task. She never looks or expects to be recognized and that is just one of the reasons why she should receive recognition.
Date: November 2022
Recipient: Connie Qualls
Demonstrated Values: Commitment, Accountability, Compassion, Leadership, Collaboration
Connie is a bright star in our organization! As part of the OSB committee, she took on a Regional Leader role and worked with the technology committee to help implement this year’s shopping events. Being new to both committees didn’t stop her from asking questions, watching and learning the process of what it takes to put these events together. She claims to not be a “techie” but she learned and worked with the OSB system to help the school liaisons invite students to the shopping events. Connie regularly volunteers at the shopping events and you can also count on seeing her help at our fundraiser events. Connie is a fun and committed member of our organization is appreciated as a member of the OSB and technology team.
Date: November 2022
Recipient: Pat Wendt
Demonstrated Values: Commitment, Integrity, Collaboration
As our chapter parliamentarian, Pat has been given the task of leading the committee to revise our bylaws and standing rules. She has effectively collaborated with board members to obtain their input as to the changes that need to be made. She has worked quietly behind the scenes, diligently putting in countless hours on this huge task. She never looks or expects to be recognized and that is just one of the reasons why she should receive recognition.
Date: November 2022
Recipient: Elaine Armstrong
Demonstrated Values: Commitment, Accountability, Compassion, Leadership, Integrity, Collaboration
Elaine joined ALSF and quickly jumped in to help where she saw the need. In her first few months in the organization, she volunteered for the Garden Tour, helping with the entertainment one day and serving as an ALSF ambassador at another home the following day. She has taken the role of minute taker for the Resource committee and helps find entertainment for our fundraisers. Most recently, she helped with OSB events as a store co-leader and storage volunteer. As the co-leader, she helped with setup, organizing volunteers in their positions and supported everyone’s efforts for a busy fun day. Elaine’s commitment and compassion makes her such an asset to our organization.
Date: October 2022
Recipient: Lisa Brinkley
Demonstrated Values: Commitment, Compassion, Leadership, Collaboration
A newer member, Lisa has more than jumped in and committed and contributed to Assistance League Sierra Foothills. She promoted us to Newcomers and, as a result, they have identified us as their charity of choice for the next two years. She led the committee of talented bakers who treated us with the best-ever desert buffet at the 10-Year Charter Celebration. Such enthusiasm deserves to be recognized.
Date: April 2022
Recipient: Allie Chappell
Demonstrated Values: Commitment, Accountability, Compassion, Leadership, Integrity, Ethics, Collaboration
Allie is the backbone of integrity for our chapter. She keeps us on the “straight and narrow” in order to protect our members as well as our non-profit status. And, I am especially thankful for her never-ending patience in answering questions; she has been a mentor to many members. She may be on the east coast but remains in our hearts here in El Dorado County.
Date: March 2022
Recipient: Deanna Souther
Demonstrated Values: Commitment, Accountability, Compassion, Leadership, Integrity, Ethics, Collaboration
Deanna is a soft spoken kitty lover, who is non stop when it comes to her commitment to Assistance League. She is dedicated, committed, and loves what she does. Most members don’t even know what Chapter Hub is. This member has managed this ‘hidden’ role resulting in making it so much easier for many committees, especially Membership. I personally want to thank Deanna for her Commitment, Accountability and Leadership
Date: March 2022
Recipient: Myrium Kan
Demonstrated Values: Commitment, Leadership, and Collaboration
Myrium has stepped forward to support a number of our chapter needs. She sits on multiple committees, has led the wildly successful online Auction for our fundraisers for the past couple of years, and she has recently taken on the role of Operation School Bell Admin while performing the Operation School Bell Regional Leader role. Both of these roles have required her to make and meet timeline commitments, and to work through others to ensure effective collaboration within our organization and with the community. She is a remarkable and fun woman to work with We can not say thank you enough for your contributions and for being such a great role model within our organization!
Date: March 2022
Recipient: Carol Kovak
Demonstrated Values: Commitment, Leadership, and Collaboration
Carol exemplifies wonderful leadership in our chapter. I believe that her efforts, particularly in the technical arena, enable us to achieve so much efficiency and effectiveness with our fundraising as well as with our many administrative functions. Carol and her team have seen to it that our chapter has moved comfortably into the 21st century. She is patient with the technologically challenged members and has also created terrific learning tools which have made it easier for me, as Education Chair, to show others how simple using our website and other tech tools can be. Thank you Carol for everything that you do for ALSF!
Date: February 2022
Recipient: Lynn Mann
Demonstrated Values: Commitment, Accountability, Compassion, Leadership, Integrity, Ethics and Collaboration
Lynn has always made herself available to our Marketing/Communications committee-As needed…As well as to our Chapter, as a whole. Her commitment to making sure we get the word out to the masses-AND IN NEW WAYS! as well…for all of our Fundraisers, is second to none. She has been vigilant with offering her insight, as to what may help our Chapter shine-on a daily basis…simply put-Without Lynn-we wouldn’t be able to reach the amount of people, that we have-in our community-and beyond. Due to her overall care-behind the camera-and, in general-Our events have been nothing but a TRUE Success! Respectfully-
Date: February 2022
Recipient: Philomena Blackwell
Demonstrated Values: Commitment, Collaboration
Phil is one of many indispensable members working in the background to make our organization and fellow members shine. With every donation, received by fellow members or directly to the organization, Phil sends out thank you letters out the the community, an incredibly vital role for the organization. Over the past year, Phil has worked with me and the two auctions we have held, sending out numerous letters to our donors and community. With every request I send Phil, either a single request or list of donors, she quickly replies to complete the request. I appreciate her commitment and teamwork in helping to keep the organization’s connection with all of our donors and community, Thank you, Phil!
Date: February 2022
Recipient: Sue Nelson
Demonstrated Values: Commitment, Accountability, Integrity, Ethics, Collaboration
Among the many task she performs for our chapter, Sue is asked to provide data for our printed marketing materials as well as completion of reports that are sent to our AL National office. She is aware of how important these job duties are and works with groups and individuals in our chapter in order to get jobs done. The Finance team
appreciates the professionalism she brings to her job. Thank you.
Date: January 2022
Recipient: Debbie McClenahan
Demonstrated Values: Commitment, Leadership, Collaboration
Debbie is always there, engaged, committed and working hard. This year she helped Mary Helen with the new Jingle! Mingle! and jumped in with both feet to help make this event the great success it was. Debbie knows so much about all of the workings of ALSF and brings her talents to the many facets of the organization. She is a model member.
Date: November 2021
Recipient: Wendi-Mae Davis
Demonstrated Values: Commitment, Accountability, Collaboration, Leadership, Integrity and Ethics
Even working full time Wendi-Mae has dedicated many hours and enthusiasm in her role as Marketing Chair. Not knowing what the job entailed she jumped in feet first and is still running! We do appreciate her leadership and compassion.
Date: June 2021
Recipient: Deanna Souther
Demonstrated Values:
Commitment, Accountability, Leadership
Deanna is a key member of the Technology team. Her commitment to making it easier for our chapter to conduct its business through automation was demonstrated by representing our chapter in the national Donor Management working team,. This team designed and developed the ability for chapters to collect and use non-member data for marketing, events and general communications. The activity did not end there, Deanna built on this capability to offer an online membership renewal site that greatly improves our ability to process members, collect their dues and pay dues to national. She developed the necessary reports to support membership renewal and chapter rosters. Making sure rosters are update/posted for general use off the ALSF website. If we could give Deanna a new name it’d be Super Star!
Date: June 2021
Recipient: Patti Bond
Demonstrated Values:
Commitment, Accountability, Collaboration, Integrity, Leadership
New member Patti was a trooper at the Peterson Garden June 5. Never even attending a garden tour she stepped in helping as a co-Garden Captain. Patti explained the history of AL and our OSB program to numerous attendees. She also manned The Giving Tree table and helped bring in almost $500, and found several potential new members for our chapter.
Date: June 2021
Recipient: Barbara Seidel
Demonstrated Values:
Commitment, Accountability, Collaboration, Integrity
Barb works countless hours prior to and after our major events. She is responsible for collecting and counting all of the cash and checks and for recording and reconciling every transaction. No easy task! She ranks high in the Integrity, Ethics and Commitment slots. Thanks for all you do!!
Date: June 2021
Recipient: Karen Heise
Demonstrated Values:
Commitment, Accountability, Collaboration, Leadership
After an endless search from members our new member Karen Heise stepped up and volunteered both she and her husband to remove our eight banners from the Garden Tour. This is the kind of member we need in our chapter. Too many of the same members continue to do the majority of the tasks it takes to make our fundraiser’s successful.
Date: June 2021
Recipient: Dahn Kendall
Demonstrated Values:
Commitment, Accountability, Collaboration, Leadership, Integrity and Ethics
Dahn was Resource Development Chairman for two years, chairing both Gardens of the Hills and Homes for the Holidays tours. This year she was the Gardens of the Hills Chairman. Dahn is a woman of unbounding energy and commitment. She strives to have other members of the committee or team take part and become involved, most especially new members. Her commitment to the project and integrity are unwavering. Her outgoing and friendly nature has enabled her to find homeowners that will open their gardens to our members and the public. She has been a devoted voting member to our chapter and has rarely said “No” when asked for help. Thank you, Dahn, and the Resource Committee for making this year’s Garden Tour a huge success post Covid-19.
Date: May 2021
Recipient: Sharleen Roth
Demonstrated Values:
Commitment, Accountability, Collaboration, Leadership, Integrity and Ethics
Sharleen has stepped up & took on print media as Marketing struggled to find the bandwidth to do this task.” Sharleen is the consummate professional – invaluable help to tell our ALSF story to the public!
Date: April 2021
Recipient: Sue Nelson
Demonstrated Values: Commitment, Accountability, Collaboration
Sue has worked tirelessly on Marketing materials to get the newsletter out at the same time as all the necessary Marketing materials for the Gardens of the Hills tour. Doing print layout is extremely tedious and requires special skills that Sue has taught herself. Without her efforts ALSF would not be getting the word out about what we do and who we are.