Distributing books during Operation School Bell event
Making crafts with seniors
School shopping event
Having fun volunteering for our events

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Learn More About ALSF

Organization, Programs, History

Become a Member

Assistance League Sierra Foothills is an all-volunteer, nonprofit organization comprised of volunteers who bring their talents and abilities together to fulfill the mission of providing assistance to those in need in the El Dorado County community.

Membership is open to those who have the time and passion to volunteer.  Our programs are tailored to the needs of our community and provide the perfect venue to serve those around us.

When you join Assistance League Sierra Foothills you can choose to volunteer from the philanthropic programs and committees that interest you and would benefit from your special skills. Make a difference in your community by sharing your enthusiasm and extending a helping hand while making new friendships that will last a lifetime.

Membership applications are being accepted now!

10 Good Reasons to Become a Member

  1. Knowing you can make a profound difference in the life of someone you’ve never met
  2. Feeling the exhilaration of meeting challenges with imagination
  3. Being part of a team who believes its contributions can help make the world a better place
  4. Making friendships that will last a lifetime
  5. Discovering a never-ending capacity for generosity
  6. Experiencing a wellspring of emotion at a smile of thanks
  7. Gaining confidence with each success
  8. Feeling satisfaction when not just meeting expectations but surpassing them
  9. Developing skills and talents you never knew you possessed
  10. Realizing that a single drop of hope can create waves of change

Membership Levels and Requirements

  • Attend regular and special chapter meetings
  • Participate in and support the philanthropic programs and
    fundraising activities of the chapter
  • Become a committee leader/member (program or operational)
  • Pay annual dues of $100
  • Participate in and support the philanthropic programs and
    fundraising activities of the chapter
  • May become a committee member
  • Pay annual dues of $150

New Membership Application

Membership applications are accepted throughout the year for new members.  New member orientation/training is scheduled when we have multiple new members to take the class.

 click to begin the process of joining our chapter by filling out the Inquiry Form  

click to download and print   Guest Letter

Regular Meeting Schedules

Meeting logistics are found on the Chapter Calendar.  This meeting is open to all members and guests. For more information, please email Membership at membership@alsierrafoothills.com or attend a meeting.

Location:  Patra Corporation  4207 Town Center Blvd.,  El Dorado Hills     Building A, main conference room

Meeting Time:     Social Gathering:  9:30 AM     Regular Meeting:  10:00 AM – Noon

Meeting Dates:

July 24, 2024                  August 21. 2024                 September 25, 2024

October 23, 2024           November 13, 2024           December 2024  No Meeting

January 22, 2025           February 19, 2025              March 26, 2025

April 23, 2025                 May 21, 2025                     June 2025 No Meeting

Fiscal year 2024-2025 begins in July.  Please note, there are note there are no regular meetings in June or December.


Ways a member volunteer can share their time and talents!

  • Join a committee
  • Sign up to particpate in an event or activity
  • Attend our regular meeting

We have a number of committees for member volunteers to particpate.

Our philanthropic committees provide our multi-generational community with a variety of programs.  Click here to view a list of our committees.

To volunteer for an activity or event click here to register.  A confirmation will be sent to you and the event/activity coordinator.

Annual Membership Renewal begins in April, ends in May.  Membership enrollment will reopen April 2025.

Mary Helen Fischer, Membership Chairman