There are two ways to donate your time and talent to the Assistance League of Stockton:
Membership: Members vote on issues and concerns, attend a monthly meeting, work in the thrift shop and on our various programs. Our members keep our organization running efficiently and effectively.
Community Volunteer: We have a few wonderful ladies and men who want contribute to our mission of serving the community, but are not yet full members; most are friends, husbands or sons/daughters of members and some simply have other demands on their time and commitments. These volunteers are valuable back-room workers in our thrift shop and supporters who “come to the call” for help when needed. We treasure them for their generous donation of time and talent. Some community volunteers also enjoy working in The Kids on the Block puppet shows.
We also have several social groups that play bridge, Bunco, Canasta, and pinochle. Our crafting group has great fun with their projects. Some of us have monthly dinner and movie nights, and a few go traveling together.