Operation SHADES has successfully completed the 2019/2020 financial literacy classes. This year’s classes were held at Great Oak, Temecula Valley, Chaparral and Rancho Vista high schools in the Temecula Valley Unified School District and Ortega, Elsinore and Lakeside high schools in Lake Elsinore Unified School Districts. A total of 274 junior and senior students completed the classes. This number includes approximately 30 Special Education students from Lakeside High School.
The Operation SHADES committee continues to strengthen our relationships with these school districts by providing the SHADES Personal Finance Conference to at risk students referred by the high school counselors and staff.
Each class is scheduled on-campus, during regular school hours. The day starts with registration and breakfast. The morning class sessions include information on goals and budgeting, banking, identity theft, credit and car costs. Yummy pizza is provided during a much needed lunch break for both the students and instructors. The afternoon sessions include information on job search and interviewing and the day ends with a completion ceremony. Students are provided with a cool pair of SHADES, a completion certificate and a gift card to the local shopping mall.
We are very fortunate to have a very dedicated group of member and professional community volunteers that provide instruction and assistance with all aspects of the class. This is no small task and this year we have welcomed assistance from several new professionals in the community. A special thank you to our Assistance League Hospitality Committee ladies who have stepped in to provide breakfast and lunch to the class.
Many thanks to one and all……..