Operation Bear Hug: Bears who keep on giving!

     Three years ago we heard from mom, Melissa, who shared her story about her twins and their Assistance League bears. Her twins received their bears during an emergency visit to Rancho Springs Medical Center. They were both then transported to Rady Children’s Hospital. Her daughter was admitted for seven days, and the bear never left her side. Her son was admitted for two days and when he had to go home without his sister, he was very uncertain and afraid to be without his twin sister. His teddy bear never left his side. Melissa said, “Your donation provides so much comfort for kids. I was not prepared for that many days and extent of a hospitalization, so it was very nice to know they had immediate comfort when they were surrounded by doctors, specialists and equipment that overwhelmed them and scared them”.
Today the Assistance League bear is still Melissa’s son’s favorite teddy bear, who goes everywhere with him. His little teddy is barely holding together despite mom’s efforts to sew him back together. We thought a new Assistance League bear was needed to keep the old one company. Thank you, Melissa for sharing your story and for sharing these adorable pictures of your twins with “old” bears meeting new bear.