
2024 Special Recognition Awards

Congratulations to our 2023-24 Award winners.  Each year at our Spring Luncheon and Business meeting we recognize Members who have gone above and beyond for the year.  The choices are very difficult as so many of our Members give SO MUCH of their time and energy.  This year we would like to recognize:

  • Danene Lethin – Jill Graham Award –  for her outstanding work as Treasurer (amongst many other things!)
  • Theresa Turner – for her ongoing, patient service for all things technology.
  • Shelby Mogenson & Jane Cartwright – for their BIG contribution with Fundraising AND Philanthropic programs.
  • Judith Huck – for stepping up into so many new responsibilities this year; Social Media Admin & Technology Assistant
  • Mary Davies – for her willingness to serve again as Resource Development AND her outstanding continued success as Chair of with our Home & Chef Tour!


Liz & Danene                                 Liz & Theresa                                  Jane, Liz & Shelby


Judith & Liz                                             Liz & Mary