Your contribution, big or small can mean so much!
Your generous donation can really make a big difference in the life of a child. Imagine your donation translating into increased confidence and self-esteem that a child feels when they receive new school clothes, keeping a child engaged in school because they can participate in a school sports program or cultural activity, providing comfort to a child entering foster care by receiving a duffel full of items of need and comfort or providing the extra financial help needed for a graduating senior to continue their education.
Assistance League of the Columbia Pacific is an all volunteer 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and your contribution is fully tax deductible. All donations benefit children in need through our philanthropic programs.
Here are just a few examples of the kind of magic that your dollars can do for a child in need!
We need your help! Donate online today!
Other ways to contribute
Donations By Mail
Donate by check to:
Assistance League of the
Columbia Pacific
P.O. Box 596
Astoria, OR 97103

Honor Friends and Family
Donate in memory or honor of a loved one or to celebrate a significant event. We will send a card to the person or family you have chosen to honor. Gift amounts are not listed.
Support our Fundraisers
As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization we need the financial support of local individuals and businesses to insure that we can continue to assist as many children in need as possible. An easy way to support our organization’s philanthropic programs and have some fun is to attend or contribute to one of our Fundraisers. These events are fun, fun, fun and you can win some really great prizes. For the latest on these events check out our Events page or visit us on facebook
Fred Meyer Community Rewards
Fred Meyer community rewards earns dollars for the charity of your choice with each purchase. All you need is a Fred Meyer Rewards card! Click here to learn more and to make Assistance League of the Columbia Pacific your charity of choice.
Foundations & Corporations
Assistance League of the Columbia Pacific actively solicits support from grants and welcomes donations and support from our local businesses, foundations and benefactors. Corporate and business contributions make a big difference and are much appreciated..
We are proud to have achieved the highest GuideStar Platinum nonprofit rating! Click on the GuideStar logo to review the Nonprofit Report on Assistance League of the Columbia Pacific provided by the GuideStar Exchange.