2020 Fall Event Is Almost Here: “hope . heal . help” Virtual Auction SAVE THE DATE

2020 has been a year like no other. The far-reaching social and financial impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the nationwide protests against inequality have forever changed our community, our country, and the world. Now is the time to hope for a brighter future. Now is the time to heal our bodies and our minds. Now is the time to help those in our community who are affected by hardship and violence.

Our fundraising efforts are now virtual, and we invite you to join us for our first ever “hope . heal . help” Virtual Auction. The proceeds from the auction will help fund our four philanthropic programs, which help individuals and families who are suffering from poverty, homelessness, domestic violence, and assault.

Registration for the event will open on September 1, 2020, at which time we will welcome you to review a variety of items available for bid or simply donate to “Fund Hope.” Actual bidding begins on September 10 and delightful wine and spirit packages will be open for bidding on September 17.

We hope that you will attend and find something special that peaks your interest. It is our belief that in uplifting others, we all rise. Together we can make a difference.

Fall Event Flyer

Fall Event Page

-Submitted by Tinku Basu, VP Marketing 2020-21 8/14