OSB Memories

As a member, one of the events I enjoy most is Operation School Bell. I enjoy seeing the happiness on the children’s faces when they pick out their new school clothing and leave the store with even more than that. As they check out, we members put a dental kit in their bag and they get to pick out a hand knitted hat or scarf made with love from one of our many knitting volunteers.

-submitted by Debbie Palmer, ALE Member 2020-21

I was told about ALE by a friend, but it wasn’t until I was doing my routine shopping at Fred Meyer in Redmond about 5 years ago, I saw a bunch of people with smiles and aprons and a big line that I decided to become a member. I asked one of the volunteers about what was going on, was told about the OSB program, and I was amazed that ALE was doing so much to help all the families lined up and ready to shop. I attended a New Members Coffee and the rest is history.

The following year when I worked OSB for myself, I was able to be a shopping assistant, a bagger, and hand out hats and scarves. I enjoyed helping little ones with their clothing choices, but I really loved handing out hats and scarves! I witnessed a little girl of about six years old literally jumping for joy after she came over to the hat cart and said incredulously, “These are for us? We get a hat too?” I said that she could pick out whichever one she wanted, and she jumped up and down and yelled to her mom, “Mom, I get a hat TOO!” It was the reaction that most kids would display being told they were going to Disneyland. It was so touching and rewarding to see. I try to donate yarn every time I hear about a yarn drive for our senior knitters in hopes that some other child will experience a moment of joy like that, and know that a volunteer somewhere is wishing them warmth and comfort.

-submitted by Kendra Valentine, ALE Member 2020-21