The 1st day is always the hardest

An additional note of thanks from the Lifewire Team 🙂

Whenever we have a transition, the 1st day is always the hardest. Whether, it’s the 1st day of school, 1st day in a new job, or especially the 1st day in escaping domestic violence. Starting Over Support partners with LifeWire to make this transition a little bit easier for these women and their families, and, we are glad that we can help! A note of gratitude from our wonderful partner, LifeWire:

“Thank you so much for the Starting Over Support (SOS) Baskets – they make such a difference in the lives of the families we serve. The SOS Baskets are a lifesaver for the new families moving into our emergency shelter and transitional shelter. They really brighten each family’s first day! Thank you! ♥

Thank you! You are wonderful! ♥

Kelly Becker
LifeWire | Development Director”

-Submitted by Kathleen Charles, SOS Co-Chair 2020-21