Eastside Community Aid Thrift Store (ECA)

Stephanie, Debbie and Gayle receiving training from Susan at ECA. Giving back while staying safe!

Eastside Community Aid Thrift Store (ECA) (in Totem Lake) is filled with treasures with new stock added daily . ALE is fortunate to have a longstanding partnership with ECA through one of ALE’s members – Jody Orbits. ECA is outstanding in granting ALE every year with a generous donation.

ECA is staffed by volunteers and they needed our help. Many of their seasoned volunteers were in their 80’s, so due to COVID, it was best for them to not return to work in the store. ALE is stepping up to not only help them out but at the same time benefitting ALE.

ECA will reimburse ALE members who work with a donation back to ALE – a win win!!

So a big THANK YOU to Susan at ECA for her time in training Stephanie, Debbie and Gayle to work in their store. It was great, easy and we encourage other ALE members to participate. Initial goal is one Saturday a month / 3 hour shift and possible weekly fill in spots

If you would like to participate please contact Laura Scholten. And if you would just like to shop check it out, its located in Totem Lake. Your purchases help to fund all the many yearly grants ECA gives back to their community.

Social distancing guidelines in place, masks required.

To go to their website, please click the link: Eastside Community Thrift

-submitted by Stephanie Wasson