ASK delivers a large order to Harborview in Seattle
ASK members, Toni Treppa and Pat Reimer, delivered a large order to Harborview on Friday August 14th. Orders hadn’t been fulfilled for quite some time, potentially due to some changes due to Covid-19. It is great that our Assistance League of the Eastside Philanthropic programs are making the necessary changes in order to fulfill orders and stay safe while doing so. Teams are wearing facial coverings and physically distancing while working in the warehouse, and always wearing their masks while in contact with our hospital partners.
Anecdotally from several hospitals, we are hearing that sexual assaults outside the home are down during the Covid-19 pandemic, while intimate partner assaults and domestic violence are on the rise. We are continuing our mission to help as many survivors as we can during this challenging time.
-Submitted by Kendra Valentine 8/18
The ASK TEAM is back in action at the warehouse!
ASK TEAM Member, Shari, is standing with boxes ready to ship out to 3 different facilities. We assembled 88 kits in total that day while socially distancing with our masks on. During this pandemic, we have not had the opportunity to meet with our hospital contacts, but it was great to hear that our services are appreciated and matter.
Shari is masked up and ready to work!
Words of kindness from one of our hospital contacts:
“I just received the kits today! Thank you so much! We appreciate this service so much. I can’t imagine the ordering going any more smoothly and the attention to detail is such a nice touch. It makes this part less clinical for our clients when they are going through this extremely traumatic time. The kits are delivered to our office and then I get them to the hospitals. We serve 3 counties so we stock 3 hospitals.
Thank you for all you do. This means so much to our clients.”
–submitted by Tinku Basu, VP Marketing 2020-21
New Grant!
We’ve received a new grant from the Harrington-Schiff Foundation for $2,000 to be used for ASK. Grant Writer, Debbie Palmer.
-submitted by Kathleen Friedrich, Grant Writing Chair 2019-20
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