• Thank you Redmond Rotary for supporting Assistance League and OSB!

    On Thursday, September 26th, Mahrukh Motafram, Kathy Friedrich, and Linda Nelson all attended the Redmond Rotary to thank them for their donation in support of the Operation School Bell Program. Mahrukh’s presentation was amazing – presenting the history of Assistance League, history of ALE, and history and current focus of OSB. Linda is a member of the Redmond Rotary and is a long-term member of ALE and was instrumental in ALE receiving the $1,000 Grant. Thank you Linda.

    -Kathy Friedrich, Grant Writing Chair 2019-20

  • Redmond Rotary Foundation Grant

    New grant was received from Redmond Rotary Foundation in the amount of $1,000 for the OSB Program. Grant Writer was Kathy Friedrich with support from Linda Nelson (ALE WIN Member and Redmond Rotary Member).

    -Kathy Friedrich, Grant Chair 2019-20

  • New Grant!

    In August 2019, received a $3,000 grant from Kawabe Memorial Fund for for OSB. Grant Writer: Kathleen McConaha

    -Kathy Freidrich, Grant Chair 2019-20

  • Wells Fargo Grant!

    A grant of $3,000 was received from Wells Fargo. Grant writer was Carol Truex.

    -Kathy Friedrich, Grant Chair 2019-20

  • NEW Grants!

    $10,000 OSB Grant from Norcliffe Foundation!

    A huge thank you goes out to Andrea Welker on our Grant Writing Committee. She applied for The Norcliffe Foundation grant and we just received a $10,000 check for Operation School Bell! We haven’t received a grant from this foundation since 2011 – so this is awesome news! I have to say again, that our Grant Writing Team is pretty amazing.

    -via 4/8/18 MEU Marlene Vacknitz, President 2018-19

  • Kirkland Reporter – ECA grant to ALE and other nonprofits

    1/31 Kirkland Reporter article listing ALE as a grant recipient from ECA

    -Liz Merker, 2018-19 Corresponding Secretary