• Redmond Senior Center Thursday Knitting Ladies

    The Thursday knitting ladies at the Redmond Senior Center have been busy! Sandy Zidar collected 140 hats and 59 scarves on August 5th.

    Sandy replenished their yarn supply so the ladies can keep knitting!

    -submitted by Sandy Zidar, OSB Knitting Coordinator 2020-21

  • New Grant Received from Wockner Foundation

    A grant in the amount of $10,000 was received for the OSB Program. Foundation has generously granted funds since 2006 for OSB. Grant Writer was Kristina Wayland.

    submitted by Kathy Friedrich, Grant Writing Chair 2020-21

  • Dolla dolla bills y’all

    The grant committee has been on fire. Another new grant has come in, $10,000 from the Norcliffe Foundation for OSB use. Grant Writer is Kristina Wayland.

    -submitted by Kathleen Friedrich, Grant Writing Chair 2019-20

  • Another New Grant!

    We received a new grant for OSB from Washington Federal Foundation of $1,000. Grant Writer, Stephanie Reimer.

    submitted by Kathleen Friedrich, Grant Writing Chair 2019-20

  • New Grant!

    New grant received from Wells Fargo for OSB of $3,000. Grant writer, Kristina Wayland.

    -submitted by Kathy Friedrich, Grant Writing Chair 2019-20

  • HHT Impact Sponsor – Barbie Whisler

    This is Barbie Whisler’s second year as an Impact Sponsor. She is doing it in memory of her husband Ben, who had been a longtime supporter of ALE.

  • Equinix Continues to Support Assistance League of the Eastside in Big Way

    Once again this year, our wonderful Corporate Partners, Equinix, stepped up in a “Big Way” to help prepare and execute Operation School. Over the summer and during their lunch breaks, they assembled over 1,000 dental kits for OSB, and participated in 4 OSB nights with an average of 4-6 volunteer per night. Their spirit and dedication is infectious.

  • Thank you Redmond Rotary for supporting Assistance League and OSB!

    On Thursday, September 26th, Mahrukh Motafram, Kathy Friedrich, and Linda Nelson all attended the Redmond Rotary to thank them for their donation in support of the Operation School Bell Program. Mahrukh’s presentation was amazing – presenting the history of Assistance League, history of ALE, and history and current focus of OSB. Linda is a member of the Redmond Rotary and is a long-term member of ALE and was instrumental in ALE receiving the $1,000 Grant. Thank you Linda.

    -Kathy Friedrich, Grant Writing Chair 2019-20

  • Our thanks to JFrog!!

    JFrog, software company in Kirkland, helped assemble 1600 dental kits at the warehouse on Tuesday, Sept. 17. About a dozen employees assembled these kits in about an hour at lightning speed.

    -Mahrukh Motafram, President 2019-20

  • OSB – Visit from LWSD Superintendent!

    What a pleasant surprise to have Dr. Jane Stevem stop by to visit during one of the Operation School Bell events. She was able to see first-hand the smiles that Operation School Bell delivers to thousands of students and parents.

    “It was such an honor to learn about Operation School Bell and the work that Assistance League of the Eastside does to support our students and families. This event is possible because of the huge commitment of many volunteers to make sure this is a positive and uplifting opportunity. The smiles and grateful hearts are a testament to what is possible when community volunteers and businesses work together in strong partnerships! LWSD is grateful to our community for supporting our students.” -Jane Stavem, Lake Washington School District