Operation School Bell®
Elementary and middle school students “shop” for brand new clothing with their parents and Assistance League of Visalia volunteers at our community partner, Penney’s. Each student leaves with a huge bag of new clothes, a wide grin and a renewed sense of confidence.
Adult Health and Wellness
Our newest program is the Adult Health and Wellness program. Members sew clothing protectors to donate to adult care facilities in Visalia and county areas. Fabric is donated to us by Joanne’s Fabrics and with the help of College of Sequoia’s textile department, our members have made hundreds of brightly colored clothing protectors for the elderly. Members also write holiday cards to residents of adult care facilities in order to brighten the days of all residents and staff as well. Cards are well received and bring smiles all around.
Kids on the Block®
Puppets! What kid doesn’t love a puppet, and the Assistance League of Visalia puppeteers bring these puppets to life in scripts about preventing bullying, tolerance of others, and empathy for the disabled.

Fifty Sense - U.S. maps
United States geography is uniquely visible in these large scale playground maps painted by Assistance League of Visalia volunteers. Colorful and educational, these maps are painted in just a few hours.

Operation Literacy
Assistance League’s literacy program reaches more than 6000 students a year. Each year several schools in Visalia and Tulare County are selected to receive books. ALL students select a new book to take home for their home library. Literacy in the home begins with books in the home.

Le Bag - Hygiene Kits
Hygiene kits are provided to all students who are clothed in Operation School Bell. Kits include a variety of items to teach hygiene to all students.